Ode to Paperwork, 9 x 12 Ink and Watercolor
Copyright 2011 Hannah C. Heyer

I start the year off at too quick a pace. Tap dance afternoons, evening basketball games. Classes to prep and mint chocolate chip birthday cupcakes. And even though the forecast is a record high heatwave, I see the flurries. The paperwork, the taxes, the worries. The over-commitments, and the avalanche of weekly burdens.

Thursday nights I’ve registered for a class on dialogue, which is meant to loosen my characters’ tongues. They say I’m the lucky one just to get in, but in the weekly ladder, it’s just a higher wrung. Twice a week, I’ve joined a group to exercise at the Y. They say, it’s important to manage the waistline. I realize my desires are more plentiful than my time.

I’m not concentrated on winning 2023, I’m okay with staying in the pack, but I’m afraid I’ll have to quit a few things just to not fall towards the back.

January flurries. They hit the stomach first. The reintroduction of routine. The desire to be something of worth. The realization that what I’ve manifested is more indigestion. Butterflies? Eternal optimism? The training I’ve internalized that if I can just close my eyes, see my goals, the whole twelve months will be over in time. Relief.

Dry January

Blinding blizzard of worries

The new year’s scary

 d’Verse Poet’s Pub | Haibun Monday | hosted by kim881. Chime in on your new year plans.

27 responses to “January Flurries”

  1. I like this. You captured all those “they says” and self-improvement obligations this time of year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, JYP. I’ve taken all of these classic obligations, and I don’t even know why. Let’s hope I can sort it all out before June. 😂


  2. Great rhyming verses here! Really captures that daunting dawn of a new year perfectly 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Tom. 💜January is a monster, but I think it just looks bigger on the cave walls. Let’s hope it’s shadow is scarier than it’s actual appearance.

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  3. An interesting haibun. You really do have a lot on your plate! Pace yourself, you can only do so much! :>)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Dwight. I know. It just somehow happens, but I have to admit, there are parts of it I do to myself. I’m willing to admit I may need to scale back my resolutions and new commitments. Happy New Year, Dwight.

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      1. You are welcome! Take care of yourself first!

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  4. I used to get overwhelmed too. The flurries is a great metaphor for that. Nowadays I take it easy, I learned that the hard way haha. Happy New Year, K. and an advice from an ex-worrier– Take it easy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jay. I will try to not let the list overwhelm me .🥳❄️❤️💜

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  5. January flurries sums up this time of year so well! I have tried to start the year slowly but it’s already taking over – and I’m retired! It’s nice to see that you’re busy, though. Tap dancing and mint chocolate chip birthday cupcakes – what a combination! And I agree, the new year is scary.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kim. Yes, it’s truly day by day, and each one is a new adventure. I am grateful for the busy calendar, though, and the chance to live a life of significance with my children and students. Thanks for hosting. Cheers!

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  6. I really connected with your imagery of the “January flurries.” Getting back into the routine of life is sometimes daunting for a few days, and then we kick into gear. I know you’ve got this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Colleen. I needed that, and I do hope so. As soon as I returned from school today, I took a power nap. I needed it. My students were equally exhausted. We had some good laughs, though, as we talked about our breaks, and how to make this new year meaningful.

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      1. I can’t even imagine how difficult it’s been for teachers the last few years. Bravo to you. Those power naps keep us sane. You’re got this!


  7. This is incredibly deep and poignant. I relate with January flurries. Sometimes we need to pace ourselves and trust that we are capable of dealing with daily tasks and commitments. Happy New Year! You rock! 💘💘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Sana. These comments have been super encouraging. I was nervous being back in my classroom today, but it went really well. And the truth is, I missed my students. 💜


  8. The internal rhyme gives a frenetic feel and hurried pace to the prose. Phew! Yep, scary flurries.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed. I am putting my winter cap down over my eyes and taking each day like an obstacle course. It’s working so far. Thank you so much for your comments.

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  9. Good luck. I’m sure you will keep the rhythm of your writing in your living. Enjoy and learn to be happy and drop what doesn’t bring joy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wise advise, Sandy. I do hope this will be possible. On some levels, I really don’t love vacuuming, yet night after night, I find myself keeping the main floor clean. 😉 But, no, there are things I can learn to say no to.

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  10. You certainly have a lot of obligations- I hope it all works out for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me, too, Linda. Thank you. Day three down, 362 to go! 😂

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  11. You are one busy lady! I can’t even imagine tackling all that but I enjoyed the way you worked through your plans and possibilities in your haibun.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Mish. I know it won’t always be like this, two small children, tons of students. But in a way, I want to soak up every minute with them. They inspire me as much as they tire me. 😂


  12. Alas, we all want to start January at our best… but we are often the least ready when it’s darkest. I do not envy such a full schedule of commitments.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So true about the darkness. I think things will slow down around June. I’m pencilling it in, anyways. 😂


  13. Really enjoyed this “Ode to New Year Beginnings” So much to do and only 24 hours in a day!! It sounds like you are taking those flurries on “by storm” I just mean, you sound well poised to begin anew:) Good luck Kate in the new year:)


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