Punctures, strangleholds

Nobody likes her angry

Won’t do what she’s told.

© 2022 | K.Hartless

A haiku for my own healing. I’m pretty mentally consumed right now by recent Supreme Court decisions, including the denial of states to tighten gun control laws, the overthrow of Roe vs. Wade, and the reopening of prayer (and other religious activity) in school. So I’ve decided to face it head-on in my writing instead of hiding from it. What’s your strategy?

Cover Art: “I’m Not Mad, I’m Hurt” Henn Kim

19 responses to “Keep Her Safe”

    1. It’s not working…you’re right.

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  1. a scathing commentary in three lines; I can’t believe that decision and the concurrent failure not to repeal the right to carry weapons; like they say, ‘the law is an ass’

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And yet is is us women who are left to serve as mules…Thank you, John. For commenting here. I am in the opposite of the ‘good place’ right now mentally.

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      1. I understand; judges are supposed to be wise and equitable; let the rage out !!!!

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      2. It’s an evil magician’s stacked card deck. Trump’s legacy to us losing two supreme court judges during his reign, yes, I said reign,

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      3. America’s angry; I can feel the fury from here —


      4. I don’t know if the judges are all men but if they are it makes me despair of my gender —

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      5. I think there’s one female that voted to overturn. Appointed by Trump, super young, conservative, and party loyal. It’s wrong of me to hope for an accident, isn’t it?

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      6. no, it isn’t; these are very trying times —

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  2. Sad and worrying times – writing about how we feel is what poets do.

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    1. It’s a bit of a release, but soon enough it’s back again. I may even go boxing , I’ve got that much rage.

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  3. very sad ..you should move to Canada while you can 😊😊😊

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    1. I’ll be visiting in July. Should see if I can stock up on medications.😂😢

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      1. we love refugees 🌞🌞

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  4. none i m a man done with fathering. so it is not my place to say.

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  5. Powerful poem, K. I am processing these oppressive developments by writing to state legislatures, and in my poetry, though I’ve not yet published any of these poems.

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    1. Thank you, Jeff. I look forward to reading what you’ve penned when you feel it’s the right time to share. It’s the little things we tend to forget that can make an impact. Processing here, and trying to not feel shame and blame for being a part of the complacency that has allowed this to happen.

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      1. You’re welcome, K. Always. Oh, thank you so much. I’ve been reflecting upon it, and am processing too. That is a wonderful way to write about shame, blame, and complacency, and I completely understand, and resonate with you. I also think the actions we each continue to take, whatever they are, matter, and make a difference in the world each day.

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