Writing emails in the late afternoon

is a bad sign.

The stress that arrests my chest before dawn.

The feeling I am right.

The worry I was wrong.

The injustice that sizzles my pride.

The truth is I’m along for the drive.

I’m just another passenger in a

funny clown car ride.

Can I eat enough crow to

survive the freak show?

Pretend I don’t know the

way the cycle of a couple

bad choices goes?

I release my clinched fist

and let the dice roll.

© 2023 | K.Hartless

9 responses to “A Bad Sign”

  1. Very powerful message & can definitely feel the anxiety here! ❤ Great verses.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Tom. I wish I could say it was all fiction. 😂 I know it will get better, but its the getting through it that’s rough. I appreciate you connecting with me.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. God! I’ve been there; a wrenched state to be in; you’re frazzled and freaked; but you will get on top of it, I’m sure 🙂 the whole poem is perfect though I do love ‘the passenger in a clown car ride’ —


  3. btw great image; so apt —


  4. An engaging and creative description of this human existence, K.


  5. I know that sort of email!!


  6. Wonderful, K. Heartfelt and powerful. 💕


  7. I’m feeling you K, stay strong and keep going! 😉


  8. Excellent! I like the emotional truths your poem shares. We can all relate!


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