I made it through the wilderness. Yes, I made it through. 🎶 Okay, it’s only Tuesday, but it feels like a victory to be sharing this petite pen with all of you. If you feel inspired by the image, the music, the vibe, join me in penning 30 words or less on the heart of the matter. If you post to your blog, please ping it back here and tag it #petitepen so we can all enjoy your brave brevity.

Supernatural – Lion Heart
The heart of any virus 
tastes of
pomegranate promise. 
Seeds sown in hatred, 
lethal water droplets, 
flicked with an archer's aim,
hit or miss,
love’s poison kiss.

© 2023 | K. Hartless

7 responses to “Petite Pen~February 28, 2023”

  1. Wow that stung so good K. LOVED IT! ❣️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Cindy. I like the sting of a brevity. 💜

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re good at both! 🥰


  2. spore yet less and more
    grew to seed
    the germ of an idea
    thaw melt and leap

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If lucky,
      wither, die,
      repeat. 😉


  3. I ADORE the term “pomegranate promise”—so good!


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