Mother Trees,
I touch their wrinkled bodies
but not their patient roots,
entwined below the detritus
fostering youth
transferring vital resources.

Mother Trees,
wise and supportive,
from today's peak,
I see gallons of green,
a fountain of new leaves.
I wish I could thank them each

and like a mountain
cradle new species,
stall the storms,
squeeze water from the clouds
to give each branch a drink.

Work in harmony with
all that came before us
with the faith of a forest.

©2024 | K.F. Hartless

Cover Art: “Mountain. Momma” Molly Kernan

Joy Oladokun “Questions, Chaos, and Faith”

Prompt: Write a poem that repeats or focuses on a single color. I don’t know if I’ve done just that, but I enjoyed crafting this forest find with inspiration from a lesson on the life of fungi (a trailer for the enlightening film, Fantastic Fungi). Enjoy.

11 responses to “Faith of a Forest”

  1. This is a perfect poem to honor trees for Earth Day. Thank you from a fellow tree lover.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I was recently reminded to try and listen to nature not just be the voice. This resonated with me, and on Sunday afternoon, I went out to do just that. I appreciate you reading my poem and connecting with it, Ali.

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  2. Lovely inspiring verses, Katie! 🙂 Very poignant conservation reminder for our changing times.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, indeed. Thank you, Tom. I love this year’s Earth Day call for plastic reduction. I hope we can start to reverse some of the nasty disposable habits we all seem to have developed. We truly can make such a huge impact by doing little things. I know I want to push myself to be more eco-responsible. I’m willing to work harder to live in harmony with the planet.

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  3. beautiful, beautiful

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, MM. So much is possible if we start to listen to the world around us.

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  4. Beautifully written, and the image is exquisite. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Sirius. I really enjoyed going out into nature and simply being a captive audience to what nature had to say. I need to do it more often.

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